eCommerce Website Design & Development for The Gifting Stories

About the company

The Gifting Stories provides Natural and Handcrafted Gifts. They help you celebrate special moments with loved ones by delivering unprocessed, sugar-free sweets, natural stone jewelry, tree gifts, handcrafted bags, attar/perfume, and more.

Ecommerce website development for gifting store
Website development for a gifting store in India

What they were looking for?

The Gifting Stories, a valued client of our website design and development company in Delhi, India, approached us with a specific set of requirements for their eCommerce website development. Their vision was to create an online platform that offers a seamless shopping experience, complemented by unique features that enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. We diligently worked to understand their needs and developed a comprehensive solution tailored to their specifications.

The client’s specific requirements for the eCommerce website included:

  1. Gift Card Message Selection on Checkout: The Gifting Stories wanted to provide their customers with the option to add personalized messages to gift cards during the checkout process.
  2. Custom Invoice Design: Recognizing the importance of brand identity, The Gifting Stories sought a distinctive invoice design that reflects their unique style and professionalism.
  3. Drop-down Menu for My Account Section: To enhance user convenience and ease of navigation, The Gifting Stories requested a drop-down menu within the “My Account” section of their website.
  4. Delivery Date Selection as per Delivery Location: The Gifting Stories recognized the importance of accurate delivery estimations and wanted their customers to have the flexibility to choose delivery dates based on their locations.
  5. Responsive Design: With the increasing usage of mobile devices for online shopping, The Gifting Stories emphasized the importance of a responsive website design.
  6. Migration to Client’s Hosting: As part of our end-to-end services, The Gifting Stories requested assistance in migrating their newly developed eCommerce website to their preferred hosting environment.

Additionally, The Gifting Stories expressed the need for training on how to edit text on their WooCommerce website.

Our website designing company in Delhi takes pride in delivering tailored solutions that address our clients’ specific requirements.

How we helped them

The key features of the eCommerce website designed and developed for The Gifting Stories include:

  1. Gift Card Message Selection on Checkout: We implemented a seamless functionality that allows customers to personalize their gift purchases by adding custom messages to the recipient. The customers can either select the pre-written messages from the options and customize it. Or, they can write their own messages.
  2. Custom Invoice Design: To enhance brand identity and create a lasting impression, we incorporated a custom invoice design that aligns with The Gifting Stories’ visual aesthetic and communicates professionalism.
  3. Drop-down Menu for My Account Section: Our team implemented a user-friendly drop-down menu within the “My Account” section, ensuring easy navigation and quick access to essential account-related functions.
  4. Delivery Date Selection as per Delivery Location: We integrated a dynamic delivery date selection feature, which adjusts based on the customer’s location, ensuring accurate delivery estimations and a smooth customer experience.
  5. Responsive Design: Recognizing the significance of mobile-friendly browsing experiences, we meticulously developed a responsive design that ensures seamless website accessibility across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  6. Migration to Client’s Hosting: As part of our comprehensive services, we efficiently migrated the newly developed eCommerce website to The Gifting Stories’ preferred hosting environment, ensuring a hassle-free transition.

Furthermore, we provided comprehensive training to the client on how to edit text on their WooCommerce website. This hands-on training empowered the client to make textual updates and modifications on their website effortlessly, enabling them to maintain a dynamic online presence. Get in touch with our eCommerce website designing company in Delhi for your next project.

WordPress Website
Custom WordPress Website Design & Development
Responsive Design
Compatible with mobile, tablets etc
Custom eCommerce Website Design & Development
Website Migration
Hosted their site to their preferred service provider
15th June 2023
Delhi, India
Gifting Ecommerce

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