WordPress Website Design & Development for Brindavan Group

About the company

Brindavan, a global enterprise, actively conducts business operations with over 60 countries across the world. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, their core focus remains on providing comprehensive Management Consultancy Services to the Steel and Allied Industries.

Business website design
website design for business

What they were looking for?

Brindavan, a leading company in need of a professional online presence, approached us, a trusted website design and development company, with a project to create a visually appealing and user-friendly WordPress website. They desired a modern and sleek design that reflects their brand identity and effectively showcases their products and services to their target audience.

The primary objectives of the project were as follows:

  1. WordPress Website Design and Development: Brindavan required a custom-designed WordPress website that captures its unique brand essence. The website should be visually appealing, intuitive to navigate, and optimized for a seamless user experience. It should also incorporate its existing brand elements, such as logos and color schemes, to maintain brand consistency.
  2. Homepage Banner: The client requested an engaging and captivating banner for the homepage that effectively communicates their core message and captures the attention of visitors. The banner should visually highlight their key offerings and leave a lasting impression on users.
  3. Top Banner for Contact Info: Brindavan wanted a prominently placed top banner that prominently displays their contact information, ensuring visitors can easily reach out to them. The banner should be attention-grabbing, yet not intrusive, and designed to encourage users to initiate contact effortlessly.
  4. Responsive Design: Recognizing the importance of a mobile-friendly website, Brindavan emphasized the need for a responsive design that adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices. The website should provide an optimal viewing experience for visitors across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  5. Website Migration: As part of the project, Brindavan required the successful migration of their new WordPress website to their hosting environment. The migration process should be efficient, ensuring a smooth transition without any disruptions to the website’s functionality or appearance.
  6. Contact Form: To facilitate seamless communication with their audience, the client wanted a contact form integrated into their website. The form should be user-friendly, secure, and capture all necessary information, allowing visitors to easily submit inquiries or requests for further information.

How we helped them

Our website designing company in Delhi took immediate action to help Brindavan achieve their goals. We approached the project with meticulous planning and a customer-centric approach to ensure a successful outcome. Here’s how we helped Brindavan:

  1. Discovery and Consultation: We began by conducting in-depth discussions with Brindavan to understand their specific requirements, brand identity, and target audience. Our team collaborated closely with them to gather all the necessary information and align our strategies accordingly.
  2. Custom WordPress Design and Development: Leveraging our expertise in WordPress, we designed and developed a custom website tailored to Brindavan’s unique needs. Our skilled designers created a visually stunning and user-friendly interface that perfectly captured the essence of the brand. The development team meticulously coded the website, ensuring seamless functionality and efficient performance.
  3. Engaging Homepage Banner: Understanding the importance of a captivating first impression, we created a compelling homepage banner that effectively communicated Brindavan’s core message. The banner was strategically designed to highlight their key offerings and entice visitors to explore further.
  4. Prominent Contact Information Banner: We integrated a top banner on every page, prominently displaying Brindavan’s contact information. This banner served as a constant reminder for visitors to easily reach out to them, thereby enhancing user engagement and facilitating seamless communication.
  5. Responsive Design Implementation: Keeping in mind the increasing number of users accessing websites through mobile devices, we ensured that Brindavan’s website had a responsive design. Our team meticulously crafted a layout that seamlessly adapted to different screen sizes, guaranteeing an optimal browsing experience for visitors across all devices.
  6. Smooth Website Migration: To minimize any downtime and disruptions, our technical experts efficiently migrated Brindavan’s new WordPress website to their hosting environment. We meticulously handled the entire process, ensuring that all data, functionalities, and design elements were seamlessly transferred.
  7. User-Friendly Contact Form: We implemented a secure and user-friendly contact form on Brindavan’s website, enabling visitors to easily submit inquiries and contact requests. The form was designed to capture all necessary information while ensuring a smooth and hassle-free user experience.

Throughout the project, our team maintained constant communication with Brindavan, providing regular updates, incorporating their feedback, and addressing any concerns promptly. We ensured that the project was delivered within the agreed timeline and exceeded their expectations.

By partnering with us, Brindavan successfully achieved their objective of establishing a professional online presence that effectively showcases their brand and engages their target audience.

WordPress Website
Custom WordPress Website Design & Development
Responsive Design
Compatible with mobile, tablets etc
Website Migration
Hosted their site to their preferred service provider
2nd April 2023
Delhi, India
Raw Material

Looking to build a website for your business?

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.