Website Design & Development for Coast Pulmonary & Internal Medicine Associates

About the company

Coast Pulmonary & Internal Medicine Associates, founded by Dr. Viney Soni and Dr. John Eilbert over four decades ago, offers comprehensive multi-specialty medical services in Orange County. With board-certified physicians, they provide primary and specialty care at multiple hospitals and long-term care facilities.

Hospital websites designing
website redesigning for healthcare industry

What they were looking for?

Project Details:

  1. Website Design and Development:
    • Creation of a modern, responsive, and user-friendly website.
    • Implementation of a content management system (CMS) for easy content updates.
    • Customization of the website’s layout and structure to match the client’s branding.
  2. Custom Logo Design:
    • Design of a unique logo that incorporates teal colors and features beach wave elements, reflecting the coastal theme.
  3. Downloadable Patient Forms:
    • Integration of a section where patients can easily access and download necessary forms and documents.
  4. External Link to Patient Portal:
    • Inclusion of a prominent link or button that directs visitors to the client’s patient portal, enhancing user convenience.
  5. Submit Review Tab:
    • Integration of a dedicated section or button for patients to submit reviews and feedback about their experience with Coast Pulmonary & Internal Medicine Associates.


Website designing for hospitals


How we helped them

The client approached ICO Webtech with the objective of enhancing their online presence and providing a more convenient platform for their patients. ICO Webtech, a leading website designing company in Delhi, successfully delivered a website tailored to the client’s needs.

  1. Custom Website Design and Development: we designed and developed a custom WordPress website that not only met the client’s aesthetic preferences but also provided a user-friendly experience. The website’s responsive design ensures that it functions seamlessly on various devices, allowing patients to access information easily.
  2. Unique Logo Design: we created a unique and creative logo for thee client, incorporating the requested teal color and beach wave elements. This logo effectively represents the coastal theme and adds a distinctive touch to the brand.
  3. Downloadable Patient Forms: The integration of downloadable patient forms streamlined the patient onboarding process. Patients can now conveniently access and download necessary forms from the website, saving time and simplifying administrative tasks for the medical practice.
  4. Patient Portal Integration: we prominently featured an external link to the patient portal on the website.
  5. Submit Review Feature: To encourage patient feedback and testimonials, we added a dedicated “Submit Review” tab or section on the website. This encourages patients to share their experiences and testimonials, building trust and credibility for the client.
Logo Design
Custom Unique Logo Design
Website Redesign
Custom Website Redesign & Development
Responsive Design
Compatible with mobile, tablets etc
Suggested domain name and purchased it
Website Hosting
Hosted their site to their preferred service provider
23rd Aug 2023
California, USA

Looking to build a website for your business?

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.