About the company

Siddharth Sood, widely acknowledged by his stage name MC Sid, has made a significant mark in the realm of freestyle rap. In his formative years, he embarked on a career as a Video Jockey (VJ) and found himself on the screens of many as he hosted “Channel [V] VJ Freshers” on the Channel [V] network. In addition to his stint with Channel [V], he also collaborated with VH1 to contribute to the acclaimed show “VH1 HIP HOP HUSTLE.” Notably, MC Sid holds the distinct honor of being India’s pioneer in the art of “Wedding Rapping,” a creative venture that has garnered attention and acclaim.

For a comprehensive insight into the company or individual in question, I recommend visiting their official website for a wealth of additional information and resources.

Website designing for entertainment industry
entertainment website development company

What they were looking for?

The quest was underway to identify skilled website developers who could proficiently merge their pre-existing theme into the WordPress platform. Furthermore, there was a specific emphasis on the integration of their various social media accounts into the website, with the goal of achieving a seamless and harmonious online presence.

A notable element of their request was the need for an expedited timeline, with the desire to have the website up and running within the relatively tight timeframe of one week. This underscored the urgency and efficiency required to meet their online presence goals.

How we helped them

With utmost proficiency and attention to detail, we seamlessly and efficiently executed the integration of the desired theme, surpassing the client’s expectations while adhering to the stipulated time frame. Our meticulous approach ensured that the website not only met but exceeded the visual and functional aspirations set forth.

In alignment with the client’s directives, our team went above and beyond to seamlessly weave the fabric of their social media presence into the website’s framework. This integration was meticulously performed, fostering user engagement and offering a smooth and intuitive experience for website visitors. By linking their social media accounts cohesively within the website, we made it effortless for users to connect, share, and interact across various platforms.

Our commitment to meeting the client’s needs was exemplified by our dedication to delivering results within the timeframe they requested. We understood the importance of a quick turnaround, and we took every measure to ensure that the website was not only up and running within a week but also operating optimally, allowing the client to capitalize on their online presence without delay.

Wordpress CMS
Responsive Design
Custom Design
25th July 2019
New Delhi, India

Looking to build a website for your business?

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.