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One Of The Best Social Media Marketing Companies In India

Social Media Marketing Agency in Delhi

The very basic mantra of Social Media Marketing Agency is to build a genuine and loyal community on the social channels and everything else will just fall in place. Marketing via Social Media is User generated. All you have to do is post engaging and exciting content on your social pages. And the loyal community users of your business will spread the word for you. Community building through loyal and genuine users can be greatly beneficial for your business.

For Businesses, NGOs, Individuals, Bloggers And Start-Ups

In the present era of Digital Marketing, no matter where you go, Social Media will follow. As rightly said by Scott Cook: A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.

Social media marketing agency in Delhi can help a company increase brand awareness, generate leads and sales, and engage with customers. By creating and sharing content on social media platforms, a company can reach a large audience and target specific demographics. Additionally, social media marketing services can help a company monitor and respond to customer feedback, which can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Overall, social media marketing services can be an effective way for a company to connect with its customers and promote its products or services.

Best Social Media Agency in Delhi

Why Do You Need Social Media Marketing Services For Your Company

Social media marketing services can help a company achieve a variety of business goals such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads and sales, and engaging with customers. By creating and sharing content on social media platforms, a company can reach a large audience and target specific demographics. Additionally, social media marketing services can help a company monitor and respond to customer feedback, which can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. It is an effective marketing strategy as:

  • More Than 4.5 Billion People Globally Have Mobile Phones And Internet.
  • More Than 3.8 Billion Active Social Media Users Worldwide.
  • More Than 60% Of World’s Population Is Already Online.
  • More Than Half Of World’s Population Will Start Using Social Media By End Of 2024.

Social media marketing services can also help a company to:

Increase website traffic and search engine rankings
Improve communication and interaction with customers
Build brand reputation and credibility
Stay competitive in the industry
Measure and analyze campaign success
Reach new and diverse audiences
Drive online sales and e-commerce

Overall, social media marketing services can be an effective way for a company to connect with its customers, promote its products or services, and achieve business goals in a cost-effective way.

What we do

Features of our social media marketing agency in Delhi India

Social Media Audit
We analyze and check all the social networks for your business and formulate a strategy to connect with your audience.
Content Creation
We create highly interactive visual content which includes images, slideshows and videos which keeps your customers engaged.
Multi Social Channels
Every social channel is different. We keep your content synchronized across all the networks yet following different strategies for different networks.
Social Ads
For instant leads and customers we reach them through our impactful social advertising strategy across all the major social networks.
Campaign Monitoring
Constant monitoring of posts performance, comments and interactions by audience and customers and keeping your social pages updated and optimized is the key to a successful social presence.
Reporting And Analytics
We provide instant reports for all your social campaigns so that you can easily track the key performance indicators and measure your ROI.

Our exhaustive list of social media marketing services also includes:

Social media account creation and management
Reputation management
Social media customer service
Social media account verification and authentication
Social media listening and monitoring
Influencer marketing
Social media video production
Social media account migration and consolidation
Social media e-commerce and lead generation
Social media optimization
Community management
Social media account takeover recovery

150+ Social Media Marketin campaigns and adding

Hire the Best Social Media Marketing company in Delhi

We Communicate Your Brand’s Message With Your Audience Loud And Clear!

With our bang-on social media marketing strategies we establish a connect with your audience while building your brand.

Best Social Media Marketing Agency in India

Process of Our Social Media Marketing Agency in Delhi

Setting marketing goals and objectives:

Our social media marketing agency determines what you want to achieve through your social media marketing efforts, such as increasing brand awareness or driving website traffic.

Audience research:

We understand your target audience and their behavior on social media, including the platforms they use and the types of content they engage with.

Content creation:

We develop a content strategy and create engaging and relevant content that aligns with your marketing goals and appeals to your target audience.

Platform selection:

Our social media marketing agency carefully chooses the social media platforms that are most relevant to your audience and align with your marketing goals.

Account setup and optimization:

We set up and optimize your social media accounts, including your profile, bio, and cover photo.

Scheduling and publishing:

We schedule and publish your content on a consistent basis, using our social media management tool which also helps in analysis and monitoring.

Tracking and analyzing:

We monitor your social media analytics and track your performance, including metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and engagement rates.

Optimization and iteration:

Based on the data analysis, we optimize the content and strategy for better performance and higher ROI.

Engage with audience:

We respond to comments, messages and try to build relationship with your audience.


We also use paid advertising to promote your content and reach a larger audience if needed.

Projects Done
Success Rate
Success Rate
SEO Media Marketing Experts in Delhi

FAQs on Social Media Marketing Services

Which platforms do social media marketing agencies in Delhi offer services on?

Social media marketing agencies in Delhi typically offer services on a variety of popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. They may also offer services on other platforms, such as Reddit, Pinterest, and Snapchat, depending on the agency and the target audience of the client.

How often do social media marketing agencies in Delhi brainstorm on the social media strategy?

The frequency at which social media marketing agencies in Delhi brainstorm on social media strategy can vary depending on the agency and the needs of their clients. Some agencies may hold regular meetings to brainstorm and come up with new strategies, such as weekly or monthly meetings, while others may only meet as needed. Additionally, strategies can be updated regularly based on the performance, engagement, audience behavior and the social media platform’s algorithm. It’s also common for agencies to have a continuous feedback loop with their clients to make adjustments and improvements on the strategies.

How Much Does Social Media Marketing Cost in India?

The cost of social media marketing in India can vary greatly depending on the platforms used, the scope of the campaign, and the specific services provided. Some common costs include:

  • Advertising costs: This includes the cost of creating and placing ads on social media platforms, which can vary depending on factors such as the platform, ad format, target audience, and budget.
  • Content creation costs: This includes the cost of creating and producing high-quality content for social media, such as videos, images, and written posts.
  • Management costs: This includes the cost of managing and maintaining a social media presence, such as monitoring and responding to comments and messages, creating and scheduling posts, and analyzing metrics and performance data.
  • Consultancy costs: This includes the cost of hiring a social media marketing agency or consultant to help with strategy, planning, and execution of social media campaigns.

The cost of social media marketing can range from a few thousand rupees per month to several lakhs per month, depending on the scope and complexity of the campaign and the services provided.

Overall, it’s difficult to give an accurate estimate for the cost of social media marketing in India without more information about your specific needs and goals

What budget should you set for Social Media Marketing?

The budget for social media marketing can vary greatly depending on your specific needs and goals. However, some general guidelines to consider when setting a budget include:

  • Establishing clear goals and objectives: Before setting a budget, it’s important to establish clear goals and objectives for your social media marketing efforts. This will help you determine the type of content and campaigns that will be most effective and how much you’ll need to spend to achieve those goals.
  • Identifying your target audience: Knowing who your target audience is and where they spend their time online will help you determine which platforms and strategies will be most effective for reaching them.
  • Researching industry averages: Researching industry averages for social media advertising costs can give you an idea of what to expect for different platforms and ad formats.
  • Determining the cost of services: The cost of services such as content creation, management, and consultation can vary greatly depending on the provider, so it’s important to research different options and get quotes from multiple providers before making a decision.
  • Allocating budget for testing: It’s important to allocate budget for testing different strategies, platforms, and ad formats. This will help you optimize your campaign and get the best return on investment.

A general rule of thumb is that a small business should set aside at least 10% of their revenue for marketing expenses, and as a startup, you might want to start with a lower budget, around 2-5% of the revenue and increase it gradually, as you see results and opportunities. However, depending on the goals, industry, and competition, the budget could vary greatly.

How many times a day should you post on business social media?

The frequency of posting on business social media can vary depending on the platform and the specific goals of your campaign. However, some general guidelines include:

  • Facebook: 1-2 times per day is a good frequency for Facebook.
  • Twitter: It’s recommended to post up to 5-10 tweets per day on Twitter, as the platform is fast-paced and tweets have a short lifespan.
  • Instagram: 1-2 times per day is a good frequency for Instagram.
  • LinkedIn: 1-2 times per day is a good frequency for LinkedIn.
  • YouTube: It’s recommended to upload 1-2 videos per week on YouTube.

It’s important to note that the above are just general guidelines, and the optimal frequency for your business could vary depending on your target audience, industry, and the specific goals of your campaign. It’s also important to consider the quality over quantity, it’s better to post one quality post than multiple low-quality ones. Additionally, you should also consider the timing of your posts, as the best time to post on social media can vary depending on your target audience, location, and the specific platform.

Ultimately, it’s important to experiment and test different frequencies and times to see what works best for your business and audience, and adjust your posting schedule accordingly.

How do I choose the right social media platform for my requirements?

Choosing the right social media platform for your business can be a difficult task, but there are a few key factors to consider that can help guide your decision:

  • Audience: The first step is to determine which social media platforms your target audience is most active on. If your audience is primarily made up of young people, for example, then platforms like Instagram and TikTok would be more appropriate than platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Goals: Next, determine what your goals are for using social media. Different platforms are better suited for different types of content, such as visual content on Instagram, or professional networking on LinkedIn.
  • Industry: Consider the characteristics of your industry, such as the B2B or B2C, what kind of services or products you are offering, and what kind of audience you are targeting. Some platforms might be more suitable for certain industries than others.
  • Competitors: Look at what platforms your competitors are using and how they are using them. This can give you some insight into which platforms might be most effective for your business and what strategies they are using to engage their audience.
  • Resources: Consider the resources you have available for creating and managing social media content. Some platforms require more resources than others, so it’s important to choose a platform that you can realistically maintain.

Once you have a better understanding of your audience, goals, industry, and resources, you can narrow down your options and choose the social media platforms that will best suit your business. It’s also important to remember that you don’t have to be present in every single social media platform, focus on a few and do it well, rather than spreading your resources too thin.

How do I choose a good social media agency?

When choosing a social media agency, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  1. Experience: Look for an agency with a proven track record of success in managing social media accounts for businesses similar to yours.
  2. Services offered: Make sure the agency offers the services you need, such as content creation, advertising, and community management.
  3. Communication and transparency: Choose an agency that is responsive and transparent in their communication and reporting.
  4. Cultural fit: Make sure the agency’s values and approach align with your company’s.
  5. Case studies and references: Ask for case studies and references from previous clients to get a sense of the agency’s work and results.
  6. Cost: Make sure the agency’s fees are within your budget.

It’s also a good idea to set clear goals and expectations with the agency before beginning any work together.

Knowledge center

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