This post will answer a very common question that most small business owners have – what are the most important pages on a website?
As a website designing company in Delhi we often cross ways with the question – what pages should my website have necessarily? And mostly this question comes from small business website owners. This is because they have recently joined the digital world. And are making themselves acquainted with it slowly.
Therefore we decided to write about it to help our SMEs.
Why do you need a small business website in the first place?
A website is the face of your company in the digital world.
A business website is a must for your company for reaching out to the market segments where your brick and mortar store cannot. With approximately 500 million people on internet in India, it is necessary for small business owners to have a website.
With a small business website you can introduce and sell your products and services to a larger audience base in comparatively lesser time.
Moreover, not many physical stores are open 24/7. But a website is active and is promoting your business 24/7-365 days a year.
Having a website creates a trust factor for customers. They know what other fellow customers say about you, your history, your location and other important information.
With the right SEO agency and an impressive website design your business can reach miles in success.
Don’t have a website yet? No worries our special plan of free website for small business owners can give you a kick-start.
Most important pages for your small business website
The number and type of website pages will depend on the nature of a business. But, some pages are common which every small business website should have in their website.
A typical way to point the important pages in a website is to ask:
- Does this page interest my target traffic?
- Will this page increase the percentage of sales and conversion?
- Does this page add to my brand credibility?.
- Is this page important to impact sales of my product/services?
- Will search engines give more weight to this page in comparison with other pages?
If the answer to these questions is affirmative then you ought to include them in your small business website.
Let us discuss what to put on a website for business.
1. Home Page
Home Page is quite obviously the most important and engaging page for any business website. A quintessential homepage design should have:
- Clear headline
- Interesting and related text/colors/images/animation/video
- Easy navigation
- Upfront contact information
- Brief info about your company, services and/or products.
Home page is the most important landing page of your website. Because mostly users land on your website’s homepage and then find their way on your website.
Therefore if the homepage is not intriguing to them they will bounce back and decrease your chances of sales.
Moreover even the search engines crawls through your website’s homepage to gain knowledge about your company’s services and products. And understand the purpose of your website.
It is always a nice practice to include a strong headline above the fold of your home page. This way you will make the purpose of your website very clear to your visiting users.
2. About Us Page
If a user gets a brief info about your company on your homepage then the next page they’ll visit is the About Us page. Your website content writer should include:
- a brief summary about your company,
- history of your company,
- how you are different from your competition,
- goals and objectives of your brand, and
- any other special mentions and accomplishments.
About us page gives you the liberty to soft sell your products/services. Give your best shot to convince your visitors about why they should choose you above others.
3. Contact Page
Putting the information about your company and it’s services is great. But it if of no use if users cannot contact you for their requirement.
Therefore, ask your website design company to create a contact page that communicates well with the users and increase your sales and conversions.
If a user has landed on your contact page it means he/she is very much interested in your services. Therefore, make sure the contact info is out there in all forms:
- By phone
- By email
- Physical address
- Contact form
If for some reason you cannot give phone number or address then at least mention an email address and a contact form.
The contact form should be small and easy to fill. No body likes long essay kind forms to just send a requirement email.
You can also include a few reviews and testimonials on the contact page to build that extra level of trust and confidence for your company.
4. Services/Products Page
When a user lands on your website he/she will try to access the information he’s seeking without wasting anytime.
As it is there are only 5 seconds for any business website to impress it’s customers.
Therefore, a dedicated services/products page is mandatory for small business website owners. Mention all the services or products you offer in your services/products page.
This way your potential clients will immediately come to know whether or not your business can help them in their seeking.
If your services/products are too many, then you can add a brief summary about them on the main page. And add links to the respective service/product page for detail information.
This page should also include the benefits of using your services/products and how they are better from your competitors.
5. Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions Page
Both these pages are extremely important for your small business website.
A privacy policy page informs a user about how your company will use their personal information.
A basic privacy policy page should include:
- Information about data collected,
- Source of data collection,
- Accessibility of collected information to users,
- Sharing or usage of the collected data.
A company should strictly abide by the information provided in their privacy policy page. If there are any changes to your company’s policies then the update should be made in the page also.
Either ask your local website designing company to make the updates. Or if you have a WordPress website then you can make the edits in the content by yourself.
Similarly, a terms and conditions page is also necessary for your business website. It basically highlights the terms and conditions a user must agree with so as to use your website.
This page should include the terms like:
- Cookies Policy
- Legal Regulations
- Intellectual Property rights
- Copyright Laws
- Third party links etc.
Moreover, include all the information here which a user has to agree to for accessing the information on your website.
Other important pages for SEO purpose
1. Blog
It is very important for any small business website to regularly update content on their website to increase their Search Engine Rankings.
And, the most simple way to do this is to add blog posts on your website regularly. A blog page is a snapshot or collection of all the posts on your website.
Therefore, utmost care should be taken to design a blog page because showcase your posts in an interesting manner with a summary beside each post.
2. Sitemap
Sitemaps are extremely important for users and for search engines. They come in two formats:
- .xml – for search engines, and
- .html – for website users
Ideally every website should have a sitemap which should link to all the important pages on your website. Mostly the favorable position to place a sitemap link is in the footer of a website.
3. 404 Error Page
A page not found or 404 error page appears when a user tries to access a page which has either expired or moved to a new location.
Therefore, website designers should create a 404 page to inform the user about the fact that the page he/she was looking for no longer exists.
Also, give a user options to go back to homepage or other important pages on your website. You can also include a search form for the user to type the query he/she interested in.
4. Other Pages
There are some other pages which are not mandatory but recommended so as to improve the user experience and SEO rankings.
- Career Page
- Testimonial/Review Page
- Portfolio Page
- Search Result Page
- FAQ Page
When you decide to get your website then make sure you have the most important pages included. These important pages are Homepage, About Us, Services/Products Page, Contact Us and Policies Page.
If you are looking for a website designing company in Delhi to create your website, then contact us now.
We have a great offer of free website for start-up businesses.